Saturday, 11 July 2020

How a Blockchain can disrupt real estate agencies business model

In the last years I've been involved in some activities with the real estate companies. Dealing with real-estate agencies business have some disadvantages. Let's imagine the next scenario a person who wants to buy a house or apartment goes to the real-estate agency. The all process is bureaucratic and time-consuming. One modality to solve this problem is with the creation of a blockchain. Actual transactions are done following the path that you see in the next picture. As you can see all process is complex. 
 Today worldwide transactions reached a high record.

Dealing with a large number of transactions actual systems posses a lot of vulnerabilities and inefficiency. Back to our main topic of how a blockchain network can disrupt a real-estate agency business model?  First, with the help of a blockchain network, third parties that are involved in transactions will disappear in our case real-estate agencies. And second, the process of buying and selling properties will be done more quickly.

Blockchain Network

For those who are not familiar with the term "blockchain".  We can define blockchain as a process that facilitates and records transactions in a business network. 
  Advantages of a blockchain network vs real-estate agency business model
  • more efficient and reliable 
  • cost-effective ( Commission for real-estate agencies will disappear )
  • information about transactions   are more secure ( In traditional transaction systems every breach can pose a real threat to all system, instead in a blockchain network even is a breakout all system will not be compromised)
  • All transactions will be recorded in a shared digital ledger
  • A smart contract will appear, it will be an agreement between two people under a computer code
  • A public database will be created