Thursday, 31 January 2013
To work in corporation is a dream for a lot of people but in the world are people who prefer to start their own business.In this article I'' ll presents arguments,adjantages and disadvantages of corporate and entrepreneurship.
To understand well what I say,first I try to explain what are corporations?
Corporations are predominantly in US,they are large institutions with offices around the world and a large number of shareholders.About corporations I will shown detalied informations in future articles.
The reasons of why people want to work for large institution,is that institution provide high salaries ,career perspective.Usually corporations hire people with solid economic background which graduated business schools.
Besides many advantage work in corporation is not easy.Primordial for each employee are results.No matter if we are talking about executives and employees of entry level.Working in corporations can provide you a lot of stress .For that reason some people try to avoid the working stress prefer to start their own business.Peoples who start own business we call entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs are people with vision,creative and solid economic background.They wants to be own bosses and to put in practice what they think.
In conclusion of what I said until now both are closely related.Importants entrepreneurs that are in the world now started their activities in important corporations.They has decided to left corporations in hopes to create something new and to put in practice all they think.
In a corporate environment decisions are taken on board.The board meeting are leaded by chief executive officer or CEO as it called.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
I this short essay I will present,how the important is energy for our planet.Energy is indispensable for mankind.We can define energy as equivalent to a unit of force multiplied by a unit of lenght.
Energy exists in many forms:thermal,electric,nuclear,magnetic etc.The requirements of energy is growing once with demographic expansion.
One the one hand energy demands force many countries to exploit source of energy .Inna attempt to satisfide energy demand and to obtain high profits importants corporations utilize natural resources as (oil,gas,coal) to produce energy that we all need.
One the another hand the phenomenon of globalization and industrialization can affect environment in which we live.Processing of this resources polluate atmosphere,increase emissions of greenhause gases and contribute to global warming.Here I give some examples to see how corporations leaded by humans affect environment with negative repercussion.
(Ex:Oil spill I Mexico Golf where was involved British Petroleum) I addition to what I said until now I can give another example more exactly nuclear energy that I consider to be too dangerous for environment.Nuclear disastres like Fukushima and Cernobal.
However in attempt to reduce emissions of greenhause gases,industrialized countries sign the Kyoto Protocol.As for me I think that alternative energy is the future regarding energy.When I say that I reffer that this kind of energy dosen't polluate the atmosphere.
Many countries encourage adaoption of alternative energy.Germany seeks to replace nuclear energy with alternative energy.However many countries encounter difficulties in adoption of this kind of energy.That's happen because the lack of legislation.
Furthermore the green energy is not cheap and produce contradictions on high level.Let's take an example bio fuells.Bio fuells are obtained by cereals(corn,wheat,canola,barley).Many specialist say that the utilization of cereals in bio fuells can produce a food crisis.
In concluzion I'd like to emphasize how the important is human in this equation .After all human is considerate the main quilty to what is happening now with our planet.Industialised countries have to understand how the important is our planet and to manage carefully natural resources.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Today in the morning when I opened my computer the main news on the important online newspapers was about Dan Diaconescu and his public television OTV. The National Council of Broadcasting has banned OTV because the television has accumulate important fines and didn't pay yet.
At first impresion I gladed to see this news,but after that I realy felt sorry for him.In our society with all know how the important is for everyone to pay their bills and fines.
In a democratic society the televisions play important role.It is considereted the third power in the country.Media is important in our society because provide important informations about what realy happens at all round ofyears world.
On the one hand media ar free in a modern society.But here things can be interpretable because the events that happened in the last force the local autority under direct control of The National Council of Broadcasting toke unpopular measures for a scociety that who would be free.
Back to main subject baning Otv ,I think this measure was taken in the right mod.The reasons for what OTV had been penalized was as I say accumulation of the important fines.The causes that led for this fines were inadequate tv shows which did promovated vulgar languages and of course political criteria.
Only for gain rating and to be more popular in eyes of the peoples.
Monday, 21 January 2013
On past of the years mankind has faced many economic crises.In our days Europe faces with a debt crisis.Important economists have found similarities between recent crisis and the great deprecion.
As fore me I don't know information about that period,fortunately I wasn't born in that period and I don't know how was the life.About "The Great Depression" I found information on the internet.
In this essay I 'll try to show the important aspects of boths.The Great depression started in US after Stock Marked price for shares have fall.That has happen around 4 September 1929.
After that the global economy failed in deepest deprecion of XXth century.This crisis affected people around the world.Unemployment grew on high level,standard of life also.This deprecion was one of the reasons of started the second world war.Advantage of this situation the nationalism and socialist movements reached on top at political power.Here I can give an example NAZI in Germany.
Back in our days the Euro Debt Crisis have at the base sovereign debt of some important european contry like(Greece,Italy,Spain).This crisis has made difficult for some contries to pay or refinance the government debts without the help of important financial institutions like( World Bank,International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank).
The causes that lead to debt sovereign were:globalization on finance,risk lending and borrowing credits condition,real-estate bubbles ,fiscal policy and last cultural differences between developed contry in north and south.
In conclusion I'd like to emphasize that economic crisis have been and will be more.I hope that I dosen't happen soon.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
When tings seemd to move in a right direction,a new threat menace the world financial stability.At this time the protagonist is not defunct Leman Brothers,and another investment bank more exactly JP Morgan Chase
According to Bloomerg JPM was involved in a disaster trading with derivates that produced 6,2 bilion $ losses. I was asking could this produce a new financial disasters? I hope no...
The JPM CEO Jamie Dimon , assure us that everything is under control.After Leman Brothers collapse trust in bankers decreased in eyes of the populations.This story reminded me about former Societe Generale Jerome Kerviel he produced 6,5 bilion euro losses.
This case resemble with 2008 case where Jerome was involved
Saturday, 5 January 2013
London is one of the largest financial markets in the world and the most important in Europe.And to be onest I dream to work there.Here all important financial institution have their headquarters.But to work there is require skills and postgratued study.
A University wich provide the opportunities to work there is London School of Economics.LSE is one the important university in UK and in the world.Over the years LSE has given important business and political leaders many of them Nobel Prize winners.
As for me I'd like to be part from LSE family.For several years I dream to LSE.Started with this year I decided to follow a Master Program more exactly MSc Finance and Private Equities.
The fees of this program is nearly 27 000 pounds and some tests that I would ought to pass like:GPA.GMAT,TOEFL.
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Happy New Year All! It's the first time when I write an article in english on my personal blog.2012 has passed 2013 cames.If I summary 2012 in a single sentence can I say " 2012 was a good year for me.But allways will be place for better things I'm sure fore that.
What I expected for 2013 ? First good healt for me and for all of us,labor force work and prosperity.
On professional plan I wish to continued my projects which have started like:
- Antreprenor Magazin
- Global Investment Corporation
- Oil Investment Corporation
- Master's program to LSE
In the end I 'd like to say again Happy New Year! for all of us and best regards
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