Hi everybody today is an important day on financial markets a day which many investors expect it.Why is so important? It's important because today is Federal Open Market Committee and perhaps the last meeting that will be leaded by Ben Bernake.
Ben Shalom Bernake is complet name the most powerful banker in the world and the person who toke the FED destiny from more than 6 years as chairman of Federal Reserve.
Appreciated by some criticized by others Bernake done to establish an equilibrium.In the past of the years Bernake introuduced Bernake doctrine the teory that traditional business cycles have declined in volatility in recent decades and the most important and known fiscal policy who introduced is no doubt QE ( Quantitive Easing).
We can define QE as unconventional monetary policy introduced by Federal Reserve to stimulate us economy to make to bost it.By QE FEd is buying treasury bonds in among of 85 billion $ every month.Initially was though that QE will produce healthy economic growth but it is not.The economic situation in US is improving unemployment rate is 7 % in november us added 203 k more jobs
I was wondering why is need quantitive easing? QE was taken out as an insurance against fiscal drag and is no longer needed.Back to my article title about FOMC meeting will be important to see what Bernake will say and the economic projections.And at the end I wish as a investor that Bernake to be more hawkish as a gift for Christmans.
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