Sunday, 6 April 2014


Hi everybody this week come to end and we can summarize some of the key aspects what has happened on financial markets last week.Us economy continued to expand but a low pace harsh winter ban the evolution of the economy.Manufacturing sector expand in march for the 10 consecutive month and the overall economy expand to 58 consecutive month.Jobs in Us increased to 192 k new jobs in march after an increase to 197 k in february,unemployment rate remain a 6,7 %.

In the Euro area consumer price index fell to concerning 0,5 % in march much below ECB forecast.ECB keep interest rate unchanged at 0,25 % although was rumors that ECB will cut interest rate.ECB officials in front with Mario Draghi adopt a dovish language in deflation issue.

The low inflation problem appeared form january 2014 which was to 0,7%.But all this time Mario Draghi has enusred us that level of inflation is under control and ECB is ready to act if conditions will required.From january to march the consumer price index fells to 0,5 % the low level in more than 4 years.

As I said at the begining of the article the ECB keep unchanged policy.This approach has attracted some criticism to Draghi policy.A delay in adopt any stimuls could track again euro area in recesion.A persistance in low inflation could determinated in the medium termn growth a weight of debt.

I observed in the past of the weeks important ECB officials talking about some measures that they could take such:negative deposit rates and quantitive easing.Jens Weidman is one the ECB offical which agree of using QE.Last week in a interview to Market News said:"Quantitive easing is theoretically posible as long as it dosen't infringe tha ban on monetary financing governments.

As for me I think that such measures could be little complicated to adopt that beacuse the ECB dosen't know what king of bonds to purchase.Theoreticaly in the euro area are 18 different sovereign bonds.Thursday Draghi emphasized for the first time that ECB cold adopt at what so called "Forging different QE"

Why different? different beacuse the financial markets in the euro area depends much from loans,loans which are injected by the ECB.So the eventual of bond purchases couldn't provide liquidity to small and medium enterprize.

Draghi said: "The banking system is more esential to the euro area than other financial systems that are more marked based" So in the end we just have to wait to see what will going on.

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