Friday, 15 May 2020

7 Reasons why we should eat lab grown meat

livestock labgrown meatThe natural resources that we found on Earth are not endless who probably many of us think. I consider the biggest challenge for the next period is " How we can preserve our natural resources. Mankind are looking to find viable and alternative solution to solve these problems. Global warming is a big concern among specialists. Thanks to industrial expansion which in many cases is done by deforestation and transform it in agriculture and industrial land. For me was very sad to see how the Amazon rainforest is exploited by humans in desire to obtain more profit and to feed an increasingly world population. For many who do not know the Amazon rainforest is responsible with the production of 20 % of our planet oxygen. It is hard to imagine how our planet with look with no Amazon forest. One of the reasons why people are deforesting
the forest is to create agriculture land to feed humans and animal. With the expectancy that world population will grow to 9 billion by 2050 , makes more challenging any attempt to find alternative solutions to not damage the nature and to feed the world.

One of the product that are wasting a lot of natural resources to produce it is meat. Meat is a source of food that always will be in demand no matter of economic situation and social class. One innovative solution found to solve this problem without to harm nature is to produce meat by culturing muscle cells so called lab grown meat. In today article I will present reasons why we should adopt lab grown meat. From the beginning I do not want to denigrate traditional meat producers, is not the purpose of this article. I consider that how meat is produced today wont be sustainable in the future.

1 Greenhouse gas emission

According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization animal agriculture is responsible for 14,5 of the world total greenhouse emission. Animal agriculture is responsible of methan production which has a 25 % greater potential to global warming than CO2. Animals like: cow, sheep and goat are responsible for methan production.

2 No Animal Slaughter

Animal ethics we do not need to slaughter animals to produce meat.

3 Environmental  issue

As I said of the beginning of this article Amazon rainforest produce 20 % of oxygen on Earth. Amazon deforest is one dangerous and stupid action ever took. 70 % of Amazon deforest is used as pastures and 30 % is used to raise animal crops. !!! Livestock farming are taking 70 % of arable land around the globe.

4 Viruses transmission

In our history many viruses and diseases have been transmitted from animal. Diseases like: influenza, avian, swine and bovine spongiform are transmitted through livestock.

5 Antibiotics issue

Industrial production of meat ca not be done without the use of antibiotics. To force animal grew quickly meat producers are using different hormones and antibiotics. Many of them poses a really treat to human body. To produce meat by culturing muscle cells will not need hormones and antibiotics.

6 No need for factory farms

We conclude than animal farming is efficient for land and environment. Industrial animal farming is done by farms where animals are kept in many cases in inappropriate conditions . Maintaining animal the wellbeing of animal is almost impossible , time consuming and nobody cares so much.

7 Nutrition of growing world population

Feeding with meat of entirely whole world population will be assured without to harm the nature.

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