What caught
me attention is the ‘’entrepreneurial mangement’’ terminology I recognize that I haven’t
studied it in the college.In his book Eric Ries explain how organizations after
they reach certain size they start to die slowly from inside.
After being
involved in many projects and coached more than hundred project teams he has
discovered that one of the reasons that organizations are dying is lack of
innovation.Big companies inevitable became bureaucratic.
In his viewing
any organization can adopt statup way
principle by following:
1) Continous Innovation
2) Startup as atomic unit of work
3) The Missing function
4) The second funding
5) Continous transformation
Eric Ries explained why
entrepreneurial management is not a replacement for traditional management is a
leadership framework designed specially for 21 century uncertainty it’s
discipline that help managers to become more rigorous in the entrepreneurial
part of their management.
The startup way requirw reform and
changes on both sides of the traditional busines.In some business and
incredible amount of talent and energy gets wasted and innovation is blocked in
archaic and inflexible structure.In this process of transformation not only top
managers are involved and also midle managers and all workers.
The idea of this training
programmeis that anyone can be coached in the entrepreneurial way of thinking.
In conclusion I recommend this book for every entrepreneur and who wants to
become entrepreneur.The Startup Way teaches companies of all size how
effectively incubate and maintain an entrepreneurial culture.